December 16, 2024
Readwise is an application that allows you save highlights from different platforms in one place. These highlights can be from almost anywhere. Kindle, Instapaper, Pocket, X bookmarks, Goodreads, Medium, and more. If you haven't already, you can sign up for Readwise here.
Kortex is a knowledge management applicate where you can capture ideas, write notes or documents, and connect them all together.
When you integrate Readwise with Kortex, you can pull all of your external highlights into your Kortex Library. That way, you can reference all of your sources, authors, and highlights in your writing, notes, and creative projects.
To integrate with Readwise, you first need a Readwise account.
After that, you need to copy your Readwise Access Token that you will paste into Kortex. You can click this link to generate an token.
From here:
After you've completed all of the steps, your highlights will sync to Kortex every 10 minutes if you are on the Kore or Premium plans.
If you are on the free Kortex plan, you can navigate back to your Readwise settings at any time and press "Sync Now" to pull your highlights into Kortex.
Now that you have highlights inside of Kortex, you can type "@" inside of documents or capture to connect any source, author, or highlight. You can also type "/highlight" in a document to search for and embed highlights.
If you want a detailed walkthrough of the Kortex Library feature, here is a tutorial: