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Your Brain Is How You Interact With Anything And Everything

A Second Brain For Creators

Synthesize better writing, knowledge, and content with Kortex.
Circular checkmark for approvalCircular checkmark for approval
The ability to earn with your mind, not your time, labor, or looks is how you become in control of what you do and how much you make.
A synthesizer is a new career path for polymaths, autodidacts, and self-improvers. Turn your ideas into income with internet leverage.
Build a database of your best ideas that compounds in value as you add to it. Spot novel connections that makes your writing and marketing unique.
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Quality assistant icon
Product beta labelProduct beta label
Full sentences
Great job
Green loading bar
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% detected
Blue loading bar
Singular idea
Very clear
Orange loading bar
Kai AI icon
Kai Suggestions
Rephrasing for simplicity
The One Person Business Model
Connection result iconConnection result icon
Writing Is The Greatest Skill Of The
Connection result iconConnection result icon
The One Person Business Model
Connection result iconConnection result icon
Work-Life Balance for Solo Entrepre
Connection result iconConnection result icon
Dealing with Challenges and Setbacks
Connection result iconConnection result icon
Future Trends in Solo Entrepreneursh
Connection result iconConnection result icon

Knowledge Management Without The Bloat & Anxiety

Say goodbye to information overload, wasteful distractions, and unread bookmarks forever. You will benefit from Kortex if...
Sad emoji

You are tired of having a bloated and disorganized note-taking system. But you understand the power of saving heavy-hitting ideas.

User speaking icon

You feel like your ideas are never original, persuasive, or engaging. You don’t have a way of producing consistent and effortless writing.

Copy icon

You have to copy and paste across multiple apps to capture ideas, write content, and create business assets like emails and landing pages.

Add document icon

You don’t have a way to instantly capture ideas that will change your life, business, and writing (because most apps are clunky and full of friction).

Sad square icon

You are always staring at a blank page with negative thoughts flooding your head (because your readers, revenue, and growth depend on your ideas and writing).

Bookmark icon

Your bookmarks, notes, and highlights are even more overwhelming than social media. So you never use them and your writing suffers because of it.

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Purple background glowPurple background glow

Implement Our Seamless
Idea-To-Impact Writing System

We deconstructed what makes the human mind tick and rebuilt it into a new system to distill high-quality information. Control the quality of your inputs and outputs for mental clarity and valuable creations.

Capture ideas fast. Develop them into original ideas with KoreNotes.

Screenshot showing commandsScreenshot showing commands

Create and organize quotes, highlights, and sources.

Screenshot of curate options
Screenshot of curate options

Make connections between your notes to create new and original ideas.

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Screenshot of writing

Write faster. Write with impact. Write with the unique voice we help you cultivate.

Screenshot for createScreenshot for create
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Decorative stars
Synthesizer Sunday

A Newsletter That You Can’t Stop Highlighting

Written with Kortex. Receive one deep dive on writing, marketing, and the creator economy in your inbox each week. By subscribing, you will be the first to get updates on the launch of Kortex.

Create Content, Newsletters, Landing Pages, and More In Half The Time (But With Double The Impact)

The biggest problem in the age of the internet is a lack of quality content. The second biggest problem is a lack of consistency. Kortex solves both.
Writers Icon

Writers: 10x your writing speed and idea generation. Never stare at a blank screen again.

Creator's icon

Creators: Outcompete the saturation with unique and  high-performing topics that generate engagement, followers, and authority.

Marketers Icon

Marketers: Write unique and persuasive landing pages, content, and promotions that convert.

User's icon

Notetakers: Become an articulate, clear thinker and tap into your creative genius for work and study.

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Decorative stars
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They Aren’t Notes, They’re The Neurons Of Your Second Brain

Most note-taking systems turn into a disorganized mess. We connected the principles of psychology, neuroscience, and marketing to make your ideas useful for your work and business:
Korenotes graphic showing screenshot of platformKorenotes graphic showing screenshot of platform
Star shining graphic
Psychology and story graphic
Metadata and elements graphic

Turn your best ideas, insights, and inspirations into original ideas that make you stand out from the sea of the same.

Use KoreNote Elements to structure your note-taking for maximum attention, impact, and authenticity.

Create content, marketing campaigns, and emails with ease by referencing KoreNotes when writing projects.

Connect your KoreNotes to say goodbye to writer's block and synthesize ideas into unique projects that people can’t stop reading (or paying you for).

Attention is the new oil, and novel ideas capture attention better than the sleazy techniques we are all tired of.


Projects: Infinite Ideas For Writing Books, Emails, And Content

Outline Builder

Use KoreNote Elements to ensure that your writing is persuasive and impactful. Take the guesswork out of headlines, titles, and transitions.

Outline builder screenshotOutline builder screenshot
Write Faster

By the time you write, your ideas are already fleshed out and connected. All you do is piece them together in your own way.

Image of keyboardImage of keyboard
Reference KoreNotes

Reference your original ideas, sources, and the connections between them all to write a piece unique to you.

Number for times shared
Writing Is The Greatest Skill Of The 21st Century
Personal Highlights

Store snippets of your own writing to be used as posts, inspiration, or to have a bank of your most concise writing.

Image of personal highlights screenshotImage of personal highlights screenshot
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Decorative stars
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Purple glow graphicBackground purple glow
Coming Soon...

Kai: The AI That Responds Using Your Knowledge

Kai orb graphic
Amplify Your Voice
Kai uses the knowledge in your KoreNotes to write high-performing content using your unique ideas.
Your Digital Assistant
Ask Kai to ideate, connect, write, or schedule content for you through a chat interface you can open anywhere.
Trained On Your Mind
Kai improves itself as you build your digital mind. It learns from the knowledge in your KoreNotes and adapts to your writing style.
Your Personal Editor
Kai revises and edits your writing to not just improve your grammar, but the quality of your ideas. Your own pro editor, available 24/7.

Built & Used By Founders With 3,100,000+ Followers

We were tired of note-taking, idea capture, and AI software that didn’t produce results.
Joey Justice photo
Joey Justice
Website iconInstagram iconX iconLinkedIn icon

Joey is a social media ghostwriter who has created 500+ Twitter threads and generated 300k+ followers for his clients. He is also a performance consultant for entrepreneurs who has worked one-on-one with 100+ clients and directly helped thousands across multiple private communities like Modern Mastery HQ over 4 years.

Matthew Ao photo
Matthew Ao
Website iconInstagram iconX iconLinkedIn icon

Matthew paused his Computer Engineering studies at the University of Toronto to co-found Kortex. Previously, he worked as a founding engineer at various startups, and built beautiful websites for high-profile clients. He assembled the Kortex design and engineering team, and currently leads product design.

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Public release

We Are Not Open To The Public Just Yet

Kortex will not release until we are absolutely satisfied with the impact this software will have on the creator economy. We will be accepting limited beta users with our ghostwriting and consulting clients. We will be accepting a larger group of beta users in our writing cohort. For updates and inquiries, join our community on Circle.
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